[ Archery Beginners Recurve Diagrams ]

Posted on September 25th, 2014 at 7:36am

So I started archery 3 years ago. I even qualified as a level 1 coach last year. Sadly due to long term health problem and lots more illustration work (though I can’t complain about work since I love it =P), I have decided to pretty much take an undetermined break from archery.

A while a go I liked the idea of illustrating a beginners booklet, but that too prob will never happen now as I just don’t have the time, but I thought it would be a massive waste to have the images I already complete gathering dust on my hard drive. As I will always love the archery community who give so much of them selves, I have decided to allow these images to be freely used for personal and non-commercial use. But please credit the work, it would be much appreciated =). I’ve even linked to print quality versions below =).

These diagrams are only a guide and to be used at your own risk, you must always consult a qualified instructor. I also can’t guarantee that they are 100% accurate but I did my best with my level 1 knowledge =P.

I hope that you find them useful.

UPDATE 2-7-2016 – After a few requests, complaints and compliments, I’ve been able to find some time to correct the spellings for the two terminology diagrams with the kind help from comments, messages, my husband and a talented Singapore archery coach Samuel Nicholas Chu (who is currently coaching the ITE Central archery team).

I have also added a few other versions of the terminology diagrams. The first is more of a blank image which I invite people to add their own text as I know every coach might have different parts of a bow they might want to point out. I also have added, conveniently, a word document that all the text can be changed, removed or added so that it can be saved to either a PDF or printed. Another reason I did this was because I’ve had a few messages over the years asking if I could translate, hopefully this gives coaches all over the world the ability to benefit… and why I suspect that the diagrams continue to be widely used! Thanks again everyone!

Link to images:

Basic Recurve Terminology Diagram (Updated July 2016) – [Web Quality] [Print Quality] [Word Doc – Editable] [Print Quality – Add your own text]
Recurve Extended Terminology Diagram (Updated July 2016) – [Web Quality] [Print Quality] [Word Doc – Editable] [Print Quality – Add your own text]
Beginners Archery – Warm up Exercises – [Web Quality] [Print Quality]
Archery Safety – Clothing – [Web Quality] [Print Quality]
Beginners Archery – Stance – [Web Quality] [Print Quality]
Beginners Archery – Nock Arrow guide – [Web Quality] [Print Quality]
Beginners Archery – Barebow & Freestyle Fingers – [Web Quality] [Print Quality]
Archery Beginners Recurve – Bow Hand – [Web Quality] [Print Quality]
Beginners Archery Recurve – Barebow & Freestyle Aim – [Web Quality] [Print Quality]


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