This is an archived page. As part of my freelance work I find myself needing to design and author websites out of necessity more than anything. I recognized this early on so I taught myself web design. I have created websites for my own projects as well as for others freelance/small business, creative projects and community groups.
Amanda Baden

• Individual Business website
• Blog for multiple contributors.
Amanda is a counseling psychologist with a therapy practice in Manhattan (NYC) in which she provides therapy to children, adolescents, adults, and families primarily from the adoption kinship network. She is an Associate Professor of Counselor Education at Montclair State University in Montclair, New Jersey located just outside New York City.
I worked closely with Amanda to identify her branding and where she wanted to take her work. By doing that I was able to design a logo for her and create a website that could work well with her practice. It was a pleasure to work with her.
Geeky Adoptee (formally Stray Thoughts Comics)

• Online Comic
I designed this website for the comic that I launched in 2013 making it a simple way to upload comics and make news updates. I wanted the comics to be at the forefront of the site.
Hong Kong Adoptees Network (HKAN)

• Online Community
Hong Kong Adoptees Network (HKAN) which promotes the networking and meeting up of Hong Kong adoptees. The growth of the group has been amazing stretching internationally. They currently aim to meet 2 times a year. I felt the group needed a website to help it grow so created the site in 2012. It is mainly used by the UK group, but the site has been set up to support many sub groups as independent micro sites if more international groups form.
I also design the logo and helped brand the group, see the [Design, Branding & Logos] page for more.
Adopted the Comic

• Online Comic & Community
Adopted the Comic is written and draw by two Vietnamese Adoptees. I was the creator and artist on the comic which ran from 2009-2013.
I designed this online comic website allowing both myself and my fellow comic writer access to manage and upload new comics. it has been redesigned a few times, but now is a legacy site.
Adopted Vietnamese International (AVI)

• Community Group
Adopted Vietnamese International (AVI) is a community adoptee lead website & network. It aims to explore, connect and promote Vietnamese adoptee voices.
I am a member of the AVI Advisory Network & I also completely rebuilt from the ground up the AVI website in 2011. This involved redesigning, organizing & consolidating roughly 150 pages and 100 news posts. The website was designed as a CMS allowing the AVI founder (and other users) to manage and add content to the website.
Sock Bunnies

• Art Project
I made this website as part of my Chinese Arts Centre Whisper Residency in 2006. You can find out more about the project on the website or on the [Sock Bunnies] page.
The original website I made in collaboration with a coder that allowed users to update a mini blog. In 2010 I completely redesigned and updated the site more in a way I’d originally hoped to.
Chinese Adult Adoptee Worldwide Reunion (CAAWR) (now forwards to new site HKAN)

• Community Group
The goal of CAAWR is to come together to share, support and gather with other adoptees/orphans.
I was on the CAAWR committee from 2009-2011 and helped organize their first reunion in Hong Kong in 2010. I designed both the branding and website in 2009 allowing the committee to add & edit content.
The website is now close and has been absorbed into the HKAN website, which I also designed.
EIGHT Exhibition (site no longer used)

• Art Exhibition/Artist group one off
EIGHT Exhibition was a showcase of work by the eight artists and designers participating in the Design Initiative managed, Setting Up Scheme 06-08. I was one of the artists in the exhibition.
Based on a design by a fellow SuS artist, I designed the layout and built this simple static website on an extremely tight deadline in 2007.
Li-Sheng Cheng (old website design)

• Artist’s Portfolio
Li-Sheng Cheng is a jewelry and silversmith artist. I designed and built this site for a fellow PAD Scheme artist on a extremely tight schedule. To date it’s one of my favorites, it was a simple and sleek site. I believe it is no longer used.
MMU (BA) Photography – 2004 Degree Show Catalog

• Artist’s Portfolio
I was a student on Manchester Metropolitan University’s (MMU) BA Photography degree. I was part of a peer team that designed the courses first digital Degree Show Catalog in 2004.
My degree was where I was able to nature my intrest in website design, and this site was one of my earlier sites I was a part of. Since then I have continued to improve and update my website designing skills.
Jessica Emmett (this website)
• Artist’s Portfolio
This is my portfolio of work. I first created my website in 2000 and I update the design every few years to keep it current. In 2011 I updated the site from a difficult to change static site to a CMS site making it easier for me to be more interactive. In 2017 I did a major back end update to make the website responsive/fluid so it’s mobile friendly. This website has been integral to my freelance practice and I hope that enjoy what I have shared.