[ Art Workshops ]

I have done a number of art workshops mainly with adoption & East Asian communities in the UK, Irland & Hong Kong. Most of the workshops I did are with children between 8-14 yrs old and with families. I have also worked with families where English my not be their first language and elderly groups. I have often tailored workshops to fit in with events and often have been asked to sensitively incorporate a cultural or (adoption) identity element to the workshops. I’m not always able to capture the workshop events which means I’m not always able to share them here, but I’ve completely humbled by the fantastic people I have worked with and can only praise the participants creative spirits.

I’m sorry, I no longer take requests for workshops as I now focus on my [Illustration] work. Either way I hope you enjoy the photos of my previous workshops, and maybe give other workshop leaders some ideas.


Post-it Note Workshop (2011)

  • Kids workshop
  • Children Adopted from China (CACH) NW Summer School

Two workshops the kids used post-it notes. The kids used the post-its to change the perceptions of things around them using words and also made big location art mosaics. This is what I like to see, mess and mass creativity.

Shadow Puppet Workshop (2006 & 2010)

The participants made shadow puppets and creative mini shows. The backgrounds where made using photos/video that the attendees took themselves.

Tale of the Moody Monkey

Length: 4:15 

A shadow puppet play written and preformed by the teens at CACH NW Summer School (2010). (Unfortunately) Voiced by Jessica Emmett.

Tree & T-Shirt Workshops (2008)

I was asked to co-lead to art workshops in Hong Kong. The first was a T-shirt workshop where the teens were able to design their own T-Shirts. The second was a group of adoptive family worked to build a tree. The leaves were about family, the bark about adoption support organization and the roots about birth cultures/families. Being a part of the festival was very important to me.

Chinese Games (The Games We Play) Workshop (2007)

An adult group came together to create board game inspired my international women’s day. They made the board, the pieces, the rules and a set of card questions that they had to answer depending on what square you landed on. They also came together to play some traditional Chinese games.

Story Makers (2006) & Anne Frank Workshops (2007)

I ran two different workshops. One related to stories books to coincided with the Miffy 50 years exhibition the Manchester Art Gallery and they were asked to creat their own stories. The second was an educational set of workshops that coincided with an exhibition about Anne Frank. They were asked to create dairies of that day using newspaper clippings.

Puppet Workshop (2006)

This was run over a number of weeks. It was slipt into two sections, in the mornings the families would work on English skills and they would then apply that into writing simple scripts for a puppet show. The afternoons were spent with me making the puppets that the end of the course preformed. It was fantastic work done by the group!